Veda is made of 6 Shat-angas (scriptures): Siksha, Vyakarana, Chanda, Nirukta, Jyotisha, and Kalpam. Of these, from the beginning of Vedas, Jyotisha has been the most notable and has continued to hold a well-respected place. Jyotisha Sastra deciphers the life path of a person and guides us in jeevan (life style), ayishyu (lifetime), vidya (education), occupation, marriage, and much more to make life peaceful and content.

There are multiple variations of Jyotisha Sastra, written and given to us as Samhitas by Vasishta, Gautama, Narada, Garga and other Maharshis respectively known as Vasishta Samhita, Gautama Samhita, Narada Samhita, Garga Samhita. Each individual reaps the effects of Karma acquired from their previous life, both the good and the bad. A person's body and the nature of his/her soul is decided by this Karma. This Karma is shown to us as the location of planets at the time of birth in the form of Janmakundali/ Jatakachakra.

Jyotisha is based on movements of Navagrahas (planets) and each Samhita has the recipe for: calculations of planets, predictions of these planets' effects on life based on their movements, and solutions to avert these affects should they be disastrous.
Jyotisha sastra tells us "कलौ पाराशरि होरा प्रत्यक्ष फलदर्शिनि" meaning, follow Parasara Samhita in Kali Yuga.

करारविन्देन पदारविन्दं मुखारविन्दे विनिवेशयन्तम् |
वटस्य पत्रस्य पुटेशयानं बालं मुकुन्दं मनसा स्मरामि ||
There is no skill involved in generating a computerized horoscope and reading off the automated results. The true art and skill lies in interpreting the horoscope and providing appropriate solutions which requires an in-depth knowledge in sanskrit, understanding of the scriptures and ultimately honing this knowledge with experience.
Given its long history, preservation throughout generations, and its involvement in life, Jyotisha Sastra is undoubtedly an integral part of Hindu culture. In my opinion, only those who are well versed in Sanskrit and have gathered true knowledge from literature are best suited to take on the responsibility of guiding others in their life path.